Unfettering Artists' Productivity and Impact

Artist Research

CCI has long been a part of major efforts in the arts field to draw attention to and catalyze support for individual artists. In September 2016, CCI finished a yearlong research effort to generate current knowledge about changing artistic practices and implications for their systems of support, Creativity Connects: Trends and Conditions Affecting U.S. Artists.


CREATIVZCreativz, an online platform for the public to engage in pressing issues facing artists and participate in a conversation about the kinds of support systems artists need today. This site is part of a larger, national research effort used to generate the report Creativity Connects: Trends and Conditions Affecting U.S. Artists. The report describes significant changes that alter definitions of artists, how they sustain their practice, and yet-unrealized potential to contribute positively to social issues and apply creativity throughout all sectors. Lend your voice on Creativz!


linc_logo.jpg Leverage Investments in Creativity, 2003 - 2013: A ten-year initiative to improve support systems for artists in the United States.


Urban Institute Urban Institute, 2003, Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structure for U.S.