Unfettering Artists' Productivity and Impact


The LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund is now closed. 
El Fondo de Ayuda por los Incendios de la Comunidad Artística de Los Ángeles esta cerrado.

Notifications were sent via Submittable on February 25, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. PST. All applicants received a notification regarding their funding status. If you did not receive a notification, check your Spam folder or log in to your Submittable account to check your application status.

Las notificaciones fueron enviadas a través de Submittable el 25 de febrero de 2025 a las 4:00 p.m. PST. Todos los solicitantes recibieron una notificación sobre el estado de su ayuda. Si no recibió una notificación, revise su carpeta de Spam o inicie sesión en su cuenta de Submittable para verificar el estado de su solicitud.

Estamos aceptando solicitudes para el LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund (Fondo de Ayuda por los Incendios de la Comunidad Artística de Los Ángeles). Solo se aceptarán solicitudes en inglés y la fecha límite para presentarlas es el martes 18 de febrero de 2025 a las 5:00 p.m., hora del Pacífico. Para quienes hablan español, contratamos a la empresa independiente Eriksen Translations para que brinde asistencia para la interpretación y traducción. Comuníquese con ellos al 213.395.8970 durante su horario de oficina, de lunes a viernes de 12 p.m. a las 5 p.m. PST entre el lunes 27 de enero y el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025.

The LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund (the “Fund”) is a pooled fund led by the J. Paul Getty Trust with support from a coalition of major arts organizations and philanthropists. The Fund responds to the devastating Palisades and Eaton fires that began on January 7, 2025, and the ensuing financial needs of individuals that have resulted from this federally recognized “qualified disaster.” The Fund is for the benefit of Los Angeles County’s artists and arts workers in all disciplines impacted by the unprecedented wildfire crisis. The Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI), a 501(c)(3) public charity and trusted intermediary focused on the economic security of people in the arts, is administering this Fund. 

Individuals may apply only once for up to $10,000. Funds are unrestricted and can be used in any way that alleviates financial hardship. Moreover, as a federally qualified disaster under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, financial support is not counted as taxable income. We encourage artists and arts workers who are of low incomes, of historically underserved populations, and those with disabilities to apply.


To be considered for funding, applicants:

  • Must be a current, full-time resident of Los Angeles County as of January 7, 2025; 
  • Must be 18 years or older;
  • Must be affected by the Eaton or Palisades fires in terms of loss, severe damage, or lack of access to one’s home, artmaking studio, or both (See FAQs below for more details about eligible “artmaking studios”);
  • Must be an individual working artist and/or a full-time, part-time, or contract arts worker at an LA County arts organization (See FAQs below for more details about eligible artists and arts organizations); 
  • Must submit a complete application; 
  • Can only apply once; and
  • Cannot have a conflict of interest (i.e., family or financial relationships) with board members, staff, or other agents of CCI. Only CCI staff or CCI-contracted expert consultants, if necessary, will know the identities of the applicants to and beneficiaries of the Fund, and the selection process will be based on meeting priority considerations primarily designed to reflect need (and randomized if necessary due to demand). Eligible affected artists and arts workers of all LA County arts institutions will be eligible to apply.


  • Monday, January 20, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. PST: Application Opens 
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. PST: Application Deadline 
  • Monday, February 24, 2025, by 12:00 p.m. PST: Notifications Anticipated 


CCI will accept applications from Monday, January 20, at 9:00 a.m. PST to Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. PST. We encourage you to review the Application Preview below for detailed information about the application, such as word limits, response options, narrative and demographic questions, and accepted file formats. We anticipate it will take 20 minutes to review the guidelines and 45 minutes complete the application. Having your uploadable proof of residence and proof(s) of role in the arts and culture sector will make the application faster to complete.


NOTA: Todos los materiales de la solicitud estarán disponibles en español a partir del 27 de enero de 2025, además de la información sobre los servicios de traducción e interpretación.
logos/PDF Icon Guidelines logos/PDF Icon Pautas del Programa
logos/PDF Icon Frequently Asked Questions

logos/PDF Icon Preguntas Más Frecuentes 

logos/PDF Icon Application Preview

logos/Word Doc Image Application Preview

logos/PDF Icon Vista Previa de la Solicitud

logos/Word Doc ImageVista Previa de la Solicitud

logos/PDF Icon Submittable Quick Tips logos/PDF Icon Referencias Rápidas de Submittable
logos/PDF Icon Tipalti: How to create an account and receive your ACH payment (in English, full guide)  logos/PDF Icon Tipalti: Cómo crear una cuenta y recibir su pago por ACH (en español, guía completa)
logos/PDF Icon Tipalti: How to create an account and receive your ACH payment (in English, text-only guide)  logos/PDF Icon Tipalti: Cómo crear una cuenta y recibir su pago por ACH (en español, guía de solo texto)


The application portal will open on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. PST. The application deadline is Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. PST. 

Completed applications must be submitted by the deadline. We cannot make exceptions due to the time-sensitive nature of notifying applicants and distributing payments. As we have a tight turnaround to process applications, we are unable to accommodate late entries and strongly urge applicants to apply as far in advance of the deadline as possible.

The application window is now closed.

Applications will be accepted online ONLY through CCI’s Submittable platform. All applicants MUST create an account in Submittable before they can access the application.

Applications will be accepted in English only. For Spanish-language speakers, we have contracted with the independent firm Eriksen Translations to provide interpretation and translation assistance. Contact them at 213.395.8970 during their office hours, Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. PST between Monday, January 27, and Monday, February 17, 2025.


CCI will never request your personal or banking information via email or phone. To protect your privacy and security, please only submit your banking details through Tipalti, our secure third-party platform. We use Tipalti exclusively to process direct deposit payments. Please be aware that our organization’s legitimate email address domain is @cciarts.org. Be cautious of any emails claiming to be from CCI that do not originate from this domain. If you want to check the veracity of emails, please reach out to CCI staff at relief@cciarts.org.


We’re here to help! If you have questions about the Fund or the application process or are having difficulty completing the application, contact CCI at relief@cciarts.org or by phone at 415.288.0530 and 213.687.8577. Headquartered in Los Angeles, our local and Bay Area staff want to be as responsive as we can. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST. 

Deaf applicants and those with hearing loss can contact CCI using the California Relay Service. Our staff is trained in making and receiving these calls. 

If you need technical assistance—such as troubleshooting a file upload or resetting your password—contact Submittable by filling out the help form at the bottom of this page (https://www.submittable.com/help/submitter/). Submittable’s business hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MT. They aim to respond within 24 business hours.


Below are resources compiled by the LA community that we hope can assist you. If you have any questions, please contact the linked sources directly.