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Displaying 4 members whose Company/Organization starts with 'D'

Raélle Dorfan

Dance Resource Center

Dance Resource Center (DRC) is a not-for-profit member-supported service organization that provides the Los Angeles area dance community access to information, resources and services; and promotes the visibility and viability of Greater Los Angeles dance on local, state and national levels. DRC has been a resource for all things dance in the Greater Los Angeles Area since 1987, providing evolving services and programming that responds to the ever-changing needs of Greater Los Angeles professional dance communities. The Los Angeles metropolitan area is home to more than 100 nonprofit dance companies and numerous unincorporated dance groups. The region is comprised of dynamic presenters, commercial studios, university dance departments, teachers, and thousands of students, working dancers (concert and commercial), and dance enthusiasts. Dance Resource Center is open to all professional dance companies, dance makers and dance stakeholders. We welcome all genres, organizational formats, voices and perspectives. Just as Southern California ranks as the most diverse region of the U.S., DRC represents and includes dance forms and voices reflecting LA’s rich socio-cultural mosaic.
Topic(s): Networking/Field Learning; Facilitation; Non Profit Job Opportunities; Audience Development; Advocacy; Marketing/Communications; Other
Location(s): Central Valley; North Coast; Los Angeles Metro; Inland Empire; South Bay Area
Phone: 310-425-3463
Email: rdorfan@danceresourcecenter.org
Website: http://www.danceresourcecenter.org

Dance USA

Dance/USA sustains and advances professional dance by addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of dance artists, administrators, and organizations. By providing services and national leadership, Dance/USA enhances the infrastructure for dance creation, education, and performance. Established in 1982 as the national service organization for the professional dance field, Dance/USA is a membership organization currently serving over 400 ballet, modern, ethnic, jazz, and tap companies, dance service and presenting organizations, individuals, and related organizations. By working with and for its membership, Dance/USA provides: Member Services; Professional Development; Advocacy; Research and Information Services; Public Communications. Branch Offices to serve local dance communities Dance/USA occupies a unique position in the field as the only national provider dedicated to serving a broad cross-section of professional dance
Topic(s): Leadership; Marketing/Communications; Non Profit Job Opportunities
Location(s): National

Website: http://www.danceusa.org

Dancers' Group

Recognized as a national model in the field of dance, Dancers’ Group was founded in 1982. Always an artist-centric organization closely connected to its constituents, Dancers’ Group’s programs, services and advocacy work addresses both the specific and broad needs of those involved in dance. Dancers’ Group’s portfolio of 15 programs fall into the categories of Free Public Performances, Audience Development, Fiscal Sponsorship, and Information Exchanges and Convenings. Dancers’ Group’s Fiscal Sponsorship program offers access to philanthropic support and other resources, while Re-Granting distributes funding to individual dance artists and small organizations. Dancers’ Group serves as a hub for resources, information and relevant news about the dance ecosystem for over 1,600 members and over 80,000 users through online and email platforms, which feature a Community Calendar of local performances each month. Via the free print and online publication “In Dance,” Dancers’ Group publishes articles about artists and issues relevant to them. 
Topic(s): Fundraising; Marketing/Communications; Technology Training
Location(s): San Francisco Bay Area
Phone: (415) 920-9181
Email: wayne@dancersgroup.org
Website: http://www.dancersgroup.org

Danielle Marcelle Bond

Danielle Marcelle Bond

If you want a career in the arts, you need to have a Plan A. It’s not about having one goal with a straight arrow to it. It’s about creating an ultimate career goal and a plan to get there so that you know how to articulate it to others so they can see how to use your talent & how to help you. Knowing your skills, resources and assets and being able to express clearly what you want from life will get you jobs. As a Film & TV music executive at a major record company, I had the pleasure of running our west coast internship program. Through mentoring our valuable interns, I thrived by helping people achieve their goals and break into their career path. I was then a part time opera singer, and decided to use the lessons I was teaching them to apply to my own true career path. Through tangible action steps, guided by a Plan A, I got to my goal of singing full time. Yet, I still had many people contacting me for mentorship to break into the entertainment industry, whether it be in music licensing, singing, acting, or taking the next step in their careers, developing management & leadership skills, work efficiency and marketing strategies. It was then that I started taking on these people as clients. It is joyful work for me to help others get where they are meant to go. I've worked with countless people as a singer and in the music industry and am so inspired by the unique paths available to us all. A common thread is that we need mentorship. I didn't realize how important it was until years into my career when, for the first time, I became a mentor. In my one-on-one consultations, I work with people on their specific needs. A few examples of frequent client needs are: • Create your Plan A -Assess your ultimate career goal -Identify the assets, resources and skills you currently have -Plan to acquire the assets, resources and skills you need -Create action steps & timelines to move your Plan A forward • Resume and cover letter revisions & interview skills • Management & Leadership styles • Educational guidance as to the best courses to take for your specific goals • Social media development • Website development • Demo & Press Kit development 
Topic(s): Networking/Field Learning; Career Development: Multiple Topic Business Training; Marketing/Communications; Other; Education
Location(s): Online Classes/Webinars; National; California Statewide; Los Angeles Metro

Email: Danielle.Bond@gmail.com
Website: http://www.alwayshaveaplan.com