8:00 AM Nov 15 - 5:00 PM Nov 18, 2019
Topic: Career Development: Multiple Topic Business Training
Provider/Presenting Organization: Americans for the Arts
Location: Other States/Regions
Registration Opens June 27
As arts marketers, we work to create a future that reflects organizational visions to better serve audiences and more deeply and equitably engage the community. But even as we focus on the needs of our organization and community, the world changes quicker and quicker—resources are limited and attentions spans short. Yet, we still must be prepared to not only confront the challenges that come our way—but anticipate them and prepare for them.
Join us in Miami as we explore three core themes:
You: What new skill(s) do I need to learn to be effective in my individual career?
Your World: What information does the field need to navigate the current environment?
Your Future: What is our collective vision for the future, and how do we reach it?
Take your marketing and career to the next level with the latest technical skills, groundbreaking ideas
Networking with the best people we know...NAMP arts marketers!